Category: Database Management

  • Billboard Top 100 Analysis

    Billboard Top 100 Analysis

    More to come!

  • Analysis of Vigilance Methods in Grumeti

    Analysis of Vigilance Methods in Grumeti

    The study aimed to investigate the anti-predator vigilance behaviors of herbivorous animals in the Grumeti Reserve in Tanzania, Africa. The researchers used citizen science, where the public participated in scientific research by observing live cameras and photos that showed the daily behaviors of the animals. The study focused on wildebeests, buffalos, gazelles, and impalas, which…

  • Ghent University Research

    Ghent University Research

    The beetlehangers project in the Haelewaters Lab is a research project that I’m currently working on with Ghent University. The project focuses on mapping the distribution of a newly discovered fungi called Hesperomyces harmoniae. The project involves cleaning, manipulating, and visualizing samples using Python and Excel. The team and I are working with a database…

  • HuskyHealth Application

    HuskyHealth Application

    HuskyHealth represents a cutting-edge initiative at Northeastern University, introducing a sophisticated Personal Health Record (PHR) System that seamlessly integrates technology with healthcare management. Developed on a foundation of robust REST APIs and MySQL, this innovative app, powered by Appsmith, serves as a centralized hub for students, faculty, and staff to efficiently manage their health information…